- Mastercam Black Book by Gaurav Verma, Matt Weber - Ebook | Scribd

- Mastercam Black Book by Gaurav Verma, Matt Weber - Ebook | Scribd

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Training Manual Installation and Basic Functions Legal Notice This manual and the software described in it form part of the license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the license. With more than connectors,. Introduction Datum features are non-solid features used during the construction of other features.

The most common datum features include planes, axes, coordinate systems, and curves. Datum features do. We are already impressed by the usability and. Here you can find all of the drawing and editing tools needed to create fast, accurate, detailed working. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means or.

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It unites powerful parametric 3D modeling More information. This control was built for the shop environment with a rugged keyboard More information. More information. SpaceClaim Introduction Training Session. Introduction We will focus on: More information. Steel construction.

Miscellaneous steel. Industrial structures. Machine Tool Control. What's New. A listing of new features and major improvements in ProNest nesting software, since initial release. Geomagic Design. Release Notes. Product Suite. Topic Sheet. Various tools in this tab are discussed next. Creating Hole Axis The Hole Axis tool is used to create axis passing through circular holes in the solid body.

Note that the hole features may or may not have model history associated. You will be asked to select the solid body. Click on desired solid body.

All the holes will get selected. If the Allow multiple solid bodies check box is selected then multiple solid bodies can be selected. Select desired radio button from the Grow rollout. An arrow will be displayed on selected face for direct editing; refer to Figure Performing Move Operation Direct Editing The Move tool is used to move selected faces and features using direct editing method.

A gnomon will be displayed attached to the face; refer to Figure Preview of split faces will be displayed; refer to Figure Modifying Feature The Modify Feature tool is used to create a body using selected feature or delete the feature. The Solids history detected dialog box will be displayed if the feature is parametric; refer to Figure Keep selecting all the faces of feature to be deleted or used for creating solid body.

Removing Faces The Remove Faces tool is used to remove selected face of solid body. The preview of removed faces will be displayed; refer to Figure Removing History The Remove History tool is used to remove model history of current model. The model history of selected bodies will be removed in Solids refer to Figure The Add History Manager will be displayed; refer to Figure If you want to create a new feature then select the Create operations radio button.

To create a single operation for all detected features, select the Create a single operation check box. The Solids history detected dialog box will be displayed. Optimizing Imported Model The Optimize tool is used to repair the imported solid model by improving accuracy of faces and edges.

If history is associated with the model then Solids history detected dialog box will be displayed. Click on the Remove history button from the dialog box to remove history and continue repairing the model. On doing so, the Optimize solid dialog box will be displayed showing the number of edges and faces optimized; refer to Figure After selecting the check boxes, specify the base level and other related parameters in the Move to Levels rollout.

If you have selected the Manual radio button then the body will be attached to cursor and you need to specify the location of solid body.

Preview of the aligned body will be displayed; refer to Figure Select the Transform to plane radio button if you want to align selected face with earlier created plane.

You will be asked to select face of target body to which main solid body will be aligned. Preview of aligned body will be displayed; refer to Figure This tool is generally useful when you are performing a turning operation and want to align the workpiece at desired distance along Z axis. The body will automatically move along the Z axis.

Various tools in this group are discussed next. All the applied colors will be removed. The respective color will be active. Similarly, you can use the other tools in the Color group of the Mesh Designing Mesh is a representation of continuous bodies by discrete and topological cells.

Meshing is useful in performing tasks like rendering, simulation, and direct editing of model. Generally, meshing breaks the model into triangular cell where each point of triangular cell is separate freedom to move while still attached the body.

So, you can freely modify the shape of model using keypoints of these triangular faces facets. The tools to create and modify mesh model are available in the Mesh tab of the refer to Figure The tools in this tab are discussed next.

Creating Cylinder Mesh The Cylinder tool in Mesh tab is used to create cylindrical mesh objects in the graphics area. Similarly, you can use other tools of Simple panel in the Mesh tab of the Ribbon as discussed earlier. Creating Mesh from Entity The Meshes from Entities tool is used to create mesh body by using a solid, surface, or mesh entity earlier created.

The options in Meshes from Entities Manager will become active. Select the Delete radio button to remove original objects after creating mesh body. Filling Holes The Fill Holes tool is used to close the holes in mesh body by joining boundary regions is facets. After selecting the Facets radio button, click on the Select mesh button in the Selection rollout. The Facet Selection Manager will be displayed; refer to Figure All the faces that fall inside the radius of brush will get selected.

You can modify the radius of brush by using Brush Radius slider. Select the Single radio button to select the faces under cursor while dragging.

Select the Minimize area radio button to reduce the area as well as volume of the mesh by smoothening. Select the Average radio button to apply average smoothening to all the nearby vertices. Note that other constraints are also considered when reducing number of facets. Exploding Mesh The Explode Mesh tool is used to break a complex mesh into several simple mesh bodies for easy manipulation.

A lower value generally generates more mesh bodies. The number of resulting mesh bodies will be displayed in the Results rollout. Select the Remove facets radio button to delete selected facets. Select the Remove facets and create mesh radio button to split selected facets of a mesh to form a new mesh.

Note that you will need a wireframe line along with intersecting mesh body to use this tool; refer to Figure You will be asked to select line to be used for trimming plane. Select other radio buttons from the Method rollout and modify trimming plane as desired. Preview of the trimmed body will be displayed. Result of mesh analysis will be displayed in the refer to Figure Based on results, you can modify the mesh body.

Click on the OK button to exit Manager. Introduction Till this chapter, we have created various wireframe, surface, and solid objects.

In this chapter, we will learn to apply various dimensions and ordinates to the model. The tools to apply dimension and annotations are available in the Drafting tab of the refer to Figure Select the Auto radio button to automatically select whether you are creating horizontal dimension, vertical dimension, or parallel dimension.

Select the Parallel radio button to create an aligned dimension between two points. The dimension will get attached to cursor and various options will become active in the refer to Figure3. Select the Diameter radio button from the rollout if you want to create diameter dimension between two points. If you want to apply arc dimensions to linear objects as well then select the Apply to linear dimension check box from the rollout. The Edit Font dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Select desired font from the drop-down in the dialog box.

Click on the Add True Type button from the dialog box if desired font is not in the drop-down. The Font dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Select desired font from the dialog box and click on the OK button. The selected font will be added in the drop-down. Select the new font and click on the OK button from the Edit Font dialog box. The Edit Dimension Text dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Specify desired value in the Dimension Text edit box to change value and click on the OK button from the dialog box.

The Height dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Specify desired text value in the edit box of dialog box.

Select the Apply to dimensions and notes check box to apply height changes to all the dimension texts and notes. Set the other parameters as desired and click on the OK button from the dialog box. If you want to change the value of dimension then select the Edit radio button from the Edit method section. The Drafting Options dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure After setting all the parameters, click on the OK button from the Drafting Applying Horizontal Dimension The Horizontal tool from the Dimension group in the Manager to create horizontal dimension between two points.

The horizontal dimension will get attached to cursor; refer to Figure Creating Vertical Dimension The Vertical tool is used to create a vertical dimension between two selected points. The vertical dimension will get attached to cursor; refer to Figure Applying Circular Dimension The Circular tool is used to apply diameter or radius dimension to arcs and circles. Applying Dimension to a Point The Point tool in Dimension group is used to apply coordinate dimension to selected point.

Press ESC twice to exit the tool. The preview of angle dimension will be displayed; refer to Figure The procedure to use Parallel tool has been discussed earlier.

Applying Perpendicular Dimension The Perpendicular tool is used to create perpendicular dimension between two lines. Click on the OK button from the Manager to exit the tool. Creating Baseline Dimension The Baseline tool is used to create linear dimension in reference to selected base dimension.

You will be asked to select end points for creating baseline dimensions. The dimensions will be created; refer to Figure Creating Chained Dimension The Chained tool is used to create dimensions in the form of a chain with one end point of dimension connected to another.

You will be asked to select end points of lines in chain to create dimensions. The chained dimensions will be created; refer to Figure Creating Horizontal Ordinate Dimension The Horizontal tool in Ordinate group is used to create horizontal ordinate dimensions. You will be asked to specify next points for ordinate dimensioning. Creating Vertical Ordinate Dimension The Vertical tool is used to create vertical ordinate dimensions with respect to 0 ordinate dimension. You will be asked to specify other points for dimensioning.

You will be asked to select next points for dimensioning. Creating Multiple Sets of Ordinate Dimensions The Window tool is used to create a set of horizontal and vertical ordinates for points of model in window selection. All the dimensions will be created with respect to origin point. You will be asked to create a window or polygon for selecting points. Aligning Ordinate Dimensions The Align tool is used to align selected ordinate dimensions to a common axis.

The dimension will get attached to cursor. Similarly, you can use the Parallel ordinate dimensioning tool of Ordinate group in the Drafting tab of Ribbon to create ordinate dimensions. Select the Curve radio button from the Manager to place note text over selected curve. If you have selected the Point radio button then the text will be attached to cursor. If you have selected the Curve radio button then you will be asked to select curve. Creating Hole Tables The Hole Table tool is used to create a table of information about various holes in the model.

A table of holes will be generated; refer to Figure The ActiveReports Viewer application will be displayed with report of holes; refer to Figure Save the report or print them as desired. Exit the application after generating the reports. Creating Cross Hatch The Cross Hatch tool is used to create hatching inside closed boundary of wireframe. Preview of cross hatching will be displayed; refer to Figure Creating Leader and Witness Lines The leaders are used to mark various notes and objects in the 3D view.

The witness lines are used to create guidelines for dimensions. The procedures to create leaders and witness lines are given next. Select the Multi-segment radio button to create leader with tail.

The leader will be created; refer to Figure The System Message information box will be displayed; refer to Figure Click on the OK button from the information box. Select desired draft entities and click on the End Selection button. The association status will be displayed in the Associativity refer to Figure A system message will be displayed showing whether regeneration is required or not; refer to Figure Click on the OK button from the message box to exit the tool.

Aligning Notes The Align Note tool is align selected notes horizontally or vertically. The options of the Align Note Manager will be active. The notes will be aligned automatically; refer to Figure Breaking Drafting Elements into Lines The Break Into Lines tool is used to break selected drafting elements into separate lines connected with each other.

The selected entities will be converted to line and curve chains. We will also learn to use various tools of View tab. Transformation Tools The tools in the Transform tab are used to modify position, orientation, and size of the entities; refer to Figure Dynamically Transforming Objects The Dynamic tool is used to change the location and orientation of selected geometry by using dynamic gnomon.

You will be asked to specify origin position for gnomon. The options in Translate Manager will be displayed; refer to Figure The options of Rotate Manager will be active. The options of Project Manager will become active; refer to Figure Mirroring Objects The Mirror tool is used to mirror copy or move selected objects. The options of Mirror Manager will become active; refer to Figure-8 and preview of mirror copy will be displayed; refer to Figure Preview of rolled wireframe chain will be displayed; refer to Figure A gnomon will be displayed on the sketch section; refer to Figure The wireframe section will be stretched accordingly; refer to Figure The options of Scale Manager will become active; refer to Figure View Tools The tools to manage graphic views and appearances of model and interface of elements are available in the View tab of the refer to Figure The tools in this group are discussed next.

Zoom Fit The Fit tool in Zoom group of View tab is used to display all the visible object in maximum view size possible. To display all the visible objects in current view area, click on the tool.

Zooming Selected Entities The Selected tool in Fit drop-down is used to display only selected objects in current view area. Graphics View Tools The tools in the Graphics View group of Ribbon are used to change view orientation of model to standard view orientations like Top view, Right view, and so on.

You can select the Isometric Trimetric, and Bottom tools to orient the view to respective orientation. The other tools in this group are discussed next. The view orientation will change accordingly. Setting Appearances of Model The tools in the Appearance group of Ribbon are used to change the display style of model in the 3D view. You can select the toolpath entities to be displayed from the Advanced Display drop-down; refer to Figure You can also change colors of various toolpath entities like cutting motion, rapid retract, and so on.

To do so, click on the inclined arrow Toolpath Display button from the Toolpaths group in the View tab of The Advanced Toolpath Display dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Select desired toolpath entity from the left box and set desired color from the color palette.

You can also set the line style and thickness for various toolpath entities. After setting desired parameters, click on the OK button from the dialog box. Click on the Yes button if you want to save the settings as standard for all the models in Mastercam.

Click on the No button if you want to apply settings to current model only. The Toolpaths Manager is used to display and manipulate toolpaths; refer to Figure The Solids Manager is used to display and manage various solid objects.

We have discussed options of this Manager earlier. The Planes Manager is used to display and manage various planes created in 3D view.

The Levels Manager is used to display and manage various levels of the model. The Multi-Threading Manager is used to display processing of various toolpath threads; refer to Figure The Art Manager is used to display parameters related to art cam objects. This manager is not available in Home Learning Edition of the software. The Groups Manager is used to create and manage object groups; refer to Figure The Recent Functions Manager is used to display and use recently used functions; refer to Figure Select the World option from the dropdown if you want to display World axes.

Select the Cplane option from the drop-down to display axes of current construction plane. Select the Tplane option from the drop-down to display axes of current tool plane. The procedure to use these options are same as discussed earlier. Grid Setting The tools in the Grid group of View tab in the Ribbon are used to display and manage grid points; refer to Figure After setting parameters, click on the OK button from the dialog box. Specifying View Rotation Position The Rotation Position tool in Controller group of Ribbon is used to set location of rotation point to be used for motion controller.

After clicking on this tool, click at desired location to specify position of rotation point. Viewsheet Options The tools in the Viewsheets group of View tab in the Ribbon are used to create and manage viewsheets of the model; refer to Figure Various tools of this group are discussed next.

The Viewsheet dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure In this section of book, we will discuss the tools related to machining. The tools to initiate machining operation are available in the Machine tab of the refer to Figure These numeric codes are understood by controller installed on the machine which gives command to various motors in the machine. But, this is not our concern now.

Now, we want to know what are the components of machine that should be known before creating or changing a machine in Mastercam. Figure-2 shows a 5 axis VMC with some of the components. Various major components milling and lathe machines are discussed next.

Tool Spindle Machine tool spindles are rotating components that are used to hold and drive cutting tools or work pieces on lathes, milling machines, and other machine tools. A way to compensate for this would be to go from a 40 taper to a 50 taper spindle and tool holder. Tool Changer or Turret Tool changer, tool indexer, or tool turret is used to automatically change the tool in spindle; refer to Figure While purchasing the machine, you should keep a note of time taken by machine to automatically change the tool and direction in which turret can rotate.

Translational and Rotational Limits The translational and rotational limits are important aspect of cnc machines. You can not make a job which required machining length or angle more than the translational or rotational limits of machine. Tail Stock Tail stock is generally found in lathe machines but can also be seen with rotary table of a milling machine. Tail stock is used to support long workpiece at its end; refer to Figure Setting up a Milling Machine The tools in the Mill drop-down of the Machine Type group in Ribbon are used to select the milling machine to be used for performing milling operations.

The procedure to setup a milling machine is given next. You will learn about the tools of Toolpaths contextual tab later in the book. If you want to add more components to your machine then select desired component and drag it to desired category of machine in the Machine area. There are various type of components like; linear axis components, rotary axis components, tool spindle, tool changer, and tail stock.

To edit a component, double-click on it in the Machine area of the dialog box. Respective dialog box will be displayed. The options for editing machine components are discussed next. If you want to tilt the axis then click on the Tilt Angle button below Position axis direction box in the dialog box; refer to Figure Specify the tilt angle if required by using the Tilt Angle button.

Click on the OK button from the dialog box to apply the changes. The control will be applied to the machine. The parameters related to the selected topic will be displayed; refer to Figure The General Machine Parameters dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure To switch to other functions of machine, you need to select the tabs in the dialog box.

The options in various tabs are discussed next. Axis feed rate limits tab The options in this tab are used to specify the limits of machine for axis feed rate; refer to Figure Specify desired values in the edit boxes available in the tab. Specify desired values in the respective edit boxes. In this tab, you can set the parameters related to coolant. By default, the Support coolant using coolant value in post processor check box is selected which means only those parameters which are compatible with your controller will be displayed.

During the machining simulation, system will search these directories for tools and materials. Machine Dynamics tab The options in this tab are used to change parameters related to machine dynamics like, acceleration while cornering, feed rate change per block, and so on.

These parameters are used by high feed toolpaths. Note that high feed machining cannot be used with multi-axis or lathe toolpaths. Select desired option from the Default Cplane area to select the respective construction plane. Applying Material to Workpiece The Material tool is used to apply desired material to the workpiece.

Based on the material of workpiece, the feed rate and other cutting parameters are decided while machining. Tool Manager The Tool Manager is used to manage the data related to tools. The procedure to use the Tool Manager is given next. The Tool Manager dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Dove Mill in our case. Click on the Coolant button to specify settings related to coolant.

The Coolant dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure A shortcut menu will be displayed as discussed earlier. The Edit Tool dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure Consider a task of maintaining a memory. The program offers excellent protection and is a reliable tool to keep your computer clean from annoying threats. A tutorial video to teach you how to speed up your computer performance and make it easy for you to make PC faster then ever.

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